[⚠️Postponed late spring 2024 ⚠️] A 3-day training with EUtopia!


Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have decided to postpone the training to spring 2024. We will soon contact people who have registered until 14/11 to inform about possible next steps, and to see if there is anything we can share at this stage to support the development of their projects. If you are a youngster who wants to register, or if you are a youth educator who wants to learn more about the training to communicate to the youngsters you work with, you can share your email with us here: https://forms.gle/YkmZZXCh8gaS4LYR8 so we can send you news about the project and online activities in January, before we start the recruitment process for the late spring 2024 training. We are currently working with our project partners to find meaningful ways to support the emergence of projects in Europe in the months before the training, so we recommend you to stay tuned!

If you have any questions, please write to: erasmusproject.eutopia@gmail.com 📩

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Do you have projects to build a better future? Do you feel it is time to take action? 💡

With Erasmus+ project EUtopia, we aim to inspire and encourage youngsters from all over Europe to stay hopeful and take action for the future. We want to support you not just to dream about what the future could be, but to be a part of change for the better!

The objective of project EUtopia is to provide youngsters with ready-to-use resources and tools to start their own projects, from local to European level. To this extent, we organise a training to support the development of utopian projects created by youngsters. During this 3-day training in Budapest, Hungary, you will be in contact with other youngsters from Europe, and be trained to develop your utopian project. You will take part in workshops and activities to help you consolidate your ideas and concretise your project.

What are the conditions to participate?

  • You are between 18 and 25 years old,
  • You can speak English at a conversational level (B1),
  • You have a project idea that you want to concretise with other youngsters,
  • You are from one of the partner organization’s countries: Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy, and Poland.

Participation in the training is free of charge as the project is implemented in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme. The participants’ travel, accommodation, meals and other costs are co-funded by the European Union.

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