
EUtopia project aims to stimulate and develop the democratic participation of the younger generations (16-25) by working on the concept of re-meaning and reinterpretation of common values.
The idea of the project is to give youngsters an opportunity to find their place and role in society, to feel like they have a voice that can be heard and to have an impact on their future. The results we will develop aim to allow the younger generations to conceive possible and practicable alternative solutions to the status quo and to understand the complexity of social phenomena.
We think it is important to give space to the needs and creativity of
the younger generations. The real challenge is to ensure that the
optimism of young people does not dissolve.
We will work to define a model that allows young people to be involved in decision-making processes. They will be able to learn how to present their ideas, argue and defend their point of view, and work together.
The project’s innovative framework, as well as the structure and functions of the collaborative platform, will open up new ways of working with youth in Europe. It will allow to develop the online and offline tools and capacity of professionals and generate long-term international cooperation to achieve a more inclusive and sustainable future.

Utopias open up safe spaces for young people to build a vision of the future that suits them and to recognise and take ownership of their role in the future of society.
This project’s goal is to replace anxiety and paralysis with a will to do and be heard.
Results aim to develop concrete practices and tools to support young people and local youth workers to start working together.
The training for young utopians will be the opportunity to implement their ideas into practice and at the same time, to test the activity results. We want to support the first Utopia projects to inspire other local, national on international teams to participate more actively.

EUtopia is an Erasmus+ project created by several European partners. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
(Project code: 2022-2-FR02-KA220-YOU-000096889)